Fish Replicas Capture Memories

Over the last 23 years I’ve had the pleasure of creating over 800 fish replica art sculptures. My favorite pieces are those that capture a memory from an old faded photo…or a replica commissioned to commemorate a trophy caught by someone’s dad, mom, or grandparent.

Once and awhile I am contacted by a client that wishes to capture all their best fishing memories. They want to create a space where they can relive their adventures and appreciate my attention to detail and unique painting style.

These days I only specialize in Salmon, Steelhead or Trout fish replica sculptures. I’m grateful I’ve found a niche’ for my style of art. For more information – visit my website for photos of completed projects and pricing examples at: or I’m also active on Facebook and post my latest (Just off the Workbench) projects at:

“As a fisherman myself…I understand how important it is to ensure each fish art sculpture I create is painted accurately”. -Luke